Advanced Medical and Surgical Care of the Eye and Retina

Age related macular
Macular Degeneration affects the macula, which is the area of the eye that is responsible for sharp, detailed vison, color perception and intensity. Symptoms include reduced or blurry central vision, blind spots, and difficulty reading. Dry AMD develops slowly and without pain. Wet AMD is the more severe form, and can cause rapid vision loss. In-office treatment for this disease can be discussed with your retina specialist.
Diabetic Retinopathy
Diabetes damages the circulation system in the retina, and can cause leakage of fluid and blood into the retina. This may cause diabetic edema. Disorders of the blood vessels in this disease are called proliferative and non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. The staging of the disease is done by your retina specialist after careful examination and other diagnostic tests, such as wide-field fluorescein angiography and optic coherence tomography. If needed, treatment, such as laser and intravitreal injection, will be discussed by your doctor.
Flashes and Floaters
The vitreous gel is the gel-like substance that fills the back of the eye. Floaters are usually caused by the aging and degradation of this gel, and can be a part of the natural aging process that most collagen fibers in our body undergo. However, as this gel shrinks and separates from the retina, the retina may tear or detach. These are emergencies, and so the onset of flashes and floaters should alert you to see a retina specialist right away.
Retinal Tears and Detachments
As discussed above, aging of the vitreous gel can cause it to shrink and separate from the retina. As this occurs, the retina can be torn or detached, which is a retinal emergency. Signs of this include floaters, flashes, loss of vision, or a curtain or veil obscuring part of your field of vision. Treatment may include laser, or surgery. Surgery is done by a retina specialist via Pars Plana Vitrectomy or Scleral Buckling.
Macular Pucker
Also referred to as an Epiretinal Membrane, this condition occurs when fine fibrous tissue begins to form over the macula, the center of vision, and cause swelling, distortion, and blurred vision. Surgery is often performed to remove this tissue.
Uveitis is the inflammation of a part of the eye called the uvea. It often causes sensitivity to light, as well as pain, blurry vision, and floaters. The evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of the many causes of uveitis is complex, and should be discussed with your eye doctor.